Livro The Origins and Foundations of Music Education

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This landmark collection explores the origins and foundations of music education in Europe, The Americas, Africa and Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East, and considers the inclusion of music as part of the compulsory school curriculum in the context of the historical, social and political landscape. Within each chapter, the contributors explore the following key areas:

- the aims, objectives and content of the music curriculum
- teaching methods
- the provision and training of teachers of music
- the experiences of pupils

This fully revised second edition includes new chapters on Brazil, Israel, Kosovo, Lithuania, and Turkey, along with questions to encourage reflection and discussion. A concluding chapter has been added to encourage readers to consider the evolution of music education globally. The Foreword for this new edition has been written by Sheila Woodward, President of the International Society for Music Education.

Contributors have been carefully selected to represent countries that have incorporated music into compulsory schooling for a variety of reasons resulting in a diverse collection which will guide future actions and policy.

Esta edição escrita em português do Brasil contém 312 páginas foi lançada em 2016-11-17 pela editora Bloomsbury Publishing.

The Origins and Foundations of Music Education, autores:

The Origins and Foundations of Music Education é um livro escrito pelos seguintes autores:

  • Gordon Cox
  • Robin Stevens

Livro The Origins and Foundations of Music Education, Online

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